£18 Per Hour After Tax & Annual Salary

If you earn £18 per hour after tax & annual salary, your net hourly wage after taxes will depend on how many hours you work per week. So, we made some calculations on the basis of how many hours you work per week, on the basis of 2018-2019 HMRC tax rates. Because, your total earning for 10 and 20 hours per week is below the personal tax allowance, you don’t pay any tax. But, when you work 40 hours per week, you pay taxes.

10 hours per week Yearly Monthly Weekly Daily
Gross Income £9,360.00 £780.00 £180.00 £36.00
Taxable Income £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00
Tax £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00
National Insurance £112.32 £9.36 £2.16 £0.43
Take Home £9,247.68 £770.64 £177.84 £35.57
20 hours per week Yearly Monthly Weekly Daily
Gross Income £18,720.00 £1,560.00 £360.00 £72.00
Taxable Income £7,220.00 £601.67 £138.85 £27.77
Tax £1,444.00 £120.33 £27.77 £5.55
National Insurance £1,266.72 £105.56 £24.36 £4.87
Take Home £16,009.28 £1,334.11 £307.87 £61.57
40 hours per week Yearly Monthly Weekly Daily
Gross Income £37,440.00 £3,120.00 £720.00 £144.00
Taxable Income £25,940.00 £2,161.67 £498.85 £99.77
Tax £5,188.00 £432.33 £99.77 £19.95
National Insurance £3,513.12 £292.76 £67.56 £13.51
Take Home £28,738.88 £2,394.91 £552.67 £110.53